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The API documentation of the NoSsr React component. Learn more about the props and the CSS customization points.


import NoSsr from '@material-ui/core/NoSsr';
// or
import { NoSsr } from '@material-ui/core';

You can learn more about the difference by reading this guide.

NoSsr purposely removes components from the subject of Server Side Rendering (SSR).

This component can be useful in a variety of situations:

  • Escape hatch for broken dependencies not supporting SSR.
  • Improve the time-to-first paint on the client by only rendering above the fold.
  • Reduce the rendering time on the server.
  • Under too heavy server load, you can turn on service degradation.


Name Type Default Description
children node You can wrap a node.
defer bool false If true, the component will not only prevent server-side rendering. It will also defer the rendering of the children into a different screen frame.
fallback node null The fallback content to display.

The component cannot hold a ref.
