Toggle Buttons
Los botones de alternancia se pueden utilizar para agrupar opciones relacionadas.
To emphasize groups of related Toggle buttons, a group should share a common container. The ToggleButtonGroup
controls the selected state of its child buttons when given its own value
Exclusive selection
Text justification toggle buttons present options for left, right, center, full, and justified text with only one item available for selection at a time. Selecting one option deselects any other.
Selección múltiple
Logically-grouped options, like bold, italic, and underline, allow multiple options to be selected.
<ToggleButtonGroup value={formats} onChange={handleFormat} aria-label="text formatting">
<ToggleButton value="bold" aria-label="bold">
<FormatBoldIcon />
<ToggleButton value="italic" aria-label="italic">
<FormatItalicIcon />
<ToggleButton value="underlined" aria-label="underlined">
<FormatUnderlinedIcon />
<ToggleButton value="color" aria-label="color" disabled>
<FormatColorFillIcon />
<ArrowDropDownIcon />
<ToggleButtonGroup orientation="vertical" value={view} exclusive onChange={handleChange}>
<ToggleButton value="list" aria-label="list">
<ViewListIcon />
<ToggleButton value="module" aria-label="module">
<ViewModuleIcon />
<ToggleButton value="quilt" aria-label="quilt">
<ViewQuiltIcon />
Forzar valor establecido
If you want to enforce at least one button to be active, you can adapt your handleChange function.
const handleFormat = (event, newFormats) => {
if (newFormats.length) {
const handleAlignment = (event, newAlignment) => {
if (newAlignment !== null) {
onChange={() => {
<CheckIcon />
Botón de conmutación personalizado
He aquí un ejemplo de personalización del componente. You can learn more about this in the overrides documentation page.